Client Services

Your first choice for IMEs

Achieve optimal access to professional medical opinions for the cases you manage.

Introducing our tailored suite of client services.

Examinex provides a comprehensive range of IME Assessments and expert advisory services. We are here to help you achieve optimal medical information – and quickly. Services include:

  • Independent Medical Assessments
  • Impairment Assessments
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Medical Negligence Reports
  • File Reviews

Discover the Examinex Difference

The UK’s leading medical experts. Our trusted panel of leading medical experts are clinically active and highly accredited across a range of legislative and regulatory frameworks to provide a clear, robust and independent opinion based on their professional expertise and the evidence provided to them. Receive a high quality independent medical report from one of Examinex’s trusted experts in a responsive timeframe.

Your assessment

Experienced Quality Assurance Team

Each report is quality assured by our team of industry professionals who are highly experienced and trained across a wide range of legislative and regulatory frameworks to ensure the highest quality independent report.

Contact us

We are here to help you achieve optimal health pathways for the individuals you support